Welcome to our valued patients!

CompDrug is here to help you along your recovery journey.

For more than 40 years, CompDrug has offered comprehensive services in prevention, intervention and treatment to those seeking help for addiction and mental health challenges. We treat all Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, including offering Medication-Assisted Treatment using FDA-approved medications. CompDrug’s services reach thousands of people every day and are instrumental in saving lives, preventing problems, and proving that treatment works.

For more than 40 years, CompDrug has offered comprehensive services in prevention, intervention and treatment to those seeking help for addiction and mental health challenges. We treat all Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders, including offering Medication-Assisted Treatment using FDA-approved medications. CompDrug’s services reach thousands of people every day and are instrumental in saving lives, preventing problems, and proving that treatment works.

CompDrug has met the standard for high quality treatment and prevention services, winning several awards and gaining National Accreditation for its Opioid Treatment Program through CARF (Commission for Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities), beginning in 2002. Today, all of CompDrug’s programs have achieved the highest level of accreditation awarded by CARF.

This site provides important information during your treatment at CompDrug.

We know you have many options when it comes to treatment, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. We welcome your feedback, as we continue to improve our approach to our most important partners – our patients (YOU)!

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