Phase 1
Every patient starts at Phase 1.

Phase 1 patients will come onsite every day for their medication, with the exception of Sundays and any dates that CompDrug is closed including most Federal Holidays. You will receive a take-home dose of medication for those days. A locking box or bottle is required for take-home medication, no exceptions. The first box or bottle will be provided to you, free of charge.  

Phase 2

Phase 2 patients will receive two take-home medication doses, most commonly Saturdays and Sundays. Patients will continue to receive Take-Home doses for any days CompDrug is closed.  

To move to Phase 2 the following criteria must be met: 

  1. Must be enrolled in the program for at least 30 consecutive days 
  2. Has had two (2) consecutive negative toxicology/alcosensor/OARRS reports in 30 days 
  3. Has completed CompDrug 101 Overview Sessions and Clinical Assessment 
  4. Has completed one (1) individual counseling session 

 Phase 4 

Phase 4 patients will receive four (4) take-home medication doses for Sunday, plus three days chosen by the patient.  Patients will continue to receive Take-Home doses for any days CompDrug is closed.  

To move to Phase 4 the following criteria must be met: 

  1. Has been enrolled in the program for at least 90 days 
  2. Has successfully maintained Phase 2 status for 90 consecutive days 
  3. Has negative toxicology/alcosensor/OARRS reports for 90 consecutive days 
  4. Has engaged in six (6) counseling sessions in 90 consecutive days, three (3) of which must be individual counseling sessions 
  5. Has attended a “Rules and Updates” session in the past year, if available 
  6. Must see a medical provider to request Phase 4 

 Phase 6 

Phase 6 patients will receive six (6) take-home medication doses for Sunday, plus five days chosen by the patient.  Patients will continue to receive Take-Home doses for any days CompDrug is closed.  

To move to Phase 6 the following criteria must be met: 

  1. Has been enrolled in the program for at least 180 days (6 months) 
  2. Has successfully maintained Phase 4 status for 90 consecutive days 
  3. Has negative toxicology/alcosensor/OARRS reports for 90 consecutive days 
  4. Engage in six (6) counseling sessions in 90 consecutive days, three (3) of which must be individual counseling sessions 
  5. Has attended a “Rules and Updates” session in the past year, if available  
  6. Must see a Medical Provider to request Phase 6 

Phase 13

Phase 13 patients will receive thirteen (13) take-home medication doses and days CompDrug is closed.  

To move to Phase 13 the following criteria must be met: 

  1. Has been enrolled in the program for at least one year 
  2. Has successfully maintained Phase 6 status for 90 consecutive days 
  3. Has negative toxicology/alcosensor/OARRS reports for one (1) year 
  4. Engage in three (3) counseling sessions in 90 consecutive days, one of which must be individual counseling sessions.  
  5. Has attended a “Rules and Updates” session in the past year, if available 
  6. Must see a Medical Provider to request Phase 13

Phase 27 

Phase 27 patients will receive twenty-eight (27) take-home medication doses and days CompDrug is closed.  

To move to Phase 27 the following criteria must be met:

  1. Has been enrolled in the program for at least two years.  
  2. Has successfully maintained Phase 13 status for one year.  
  3. Has negative toxicology/alcosensor/OARRS reports for two years.  
  4. Engage in one (1) individual counseling sessions in 90 consecutive days 
  5. Has attended a “Rules and Updates” session in the past year, if available  
  6. Has no failed “Take Home Call Back” request in the previous year.  
  7. Must see a Medical Provider to request Phase 27